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楷博"潮人"老师带你直击ACCA P2考试重点及高频考点


楷博老师带你直击ACCA P2高频考点


IAS 12 – Income tax

楷博老师带你直击ACCA P2高频考点1

在IAS 12中,我们主要包括的内容是current tax和deferred tax:

Current tax,是企业在经营活动中,根据税法规定所计量的当期税费,具体的计算方法在F6这门课中做了详细讲解。

Deferred tax,虽然在名称上叫做递延税,但这个“税”和企业的纳税义务并没有直接关系,这仅仅只是企业的一个会计调整 – 只是去调整会计处理和税务规定的暂时性差异。

Deferred tax

如果大家对F6的内容还有一点印象,应该会记得通常企业的accounting profit(企业根据Accounting Standard计量的档期利润)和tax adjusted profit(企业应税利润)会有差异,这种差异会有permanent difference (永久性差异-即会计和税务的规定完全不一样,并且不会随时间后移而消失)和temporary difference(暂时性差异-即会计和税务规定只是暂时性的有一个差异,但随着时间的后移,这个差异最终会消失)。根据会计的accruals concept(权责发生制),会计交易的税务影响应当和会计交易的确认计量相匹配,这个调整的内容,我们就将其称作deferred tax (递延税)。

在计量中,其实会计和税务会有很多的temporary difference (后面会具体给大家讲到几种特殊情况下如何计量),我们有一个基本的确认方法:

Deferred tax is calculated by comparing the carrying amount of an asset or liability to its tax base.

✔If the carrying amount exceeds the tax base, the temporary difference is said to be a taxable temporary difference which will give raise to a deferred tax liability

✔If the tax base exceeds the carrying amount, the temporary difference is a deductible temporary difference which will give raise to a deferred tax asset

在计量deferred tax的时候,还需要注意到税率问题。IAS 12中规定到:

The tax rate in force (or expected to be in force) when the asset is realized or the liability is settled, should be applied to the temporary difference to calculate the deferred tax balance. IAS 12 specifies that this rate must be based on legislation enacted or substantively enactedby the reporting date.

如果在reporting date之前,税务局已经有正式的法案通过了下一年的执行税率,在确认deferred tax的时候我们用到的是新的执行税率;而如果在reporting date之前没有正式通过下一年的执行税率,那我们在确认deferred tax的时候将使用到的是现行税率。

The entry to profit or loss and other comprehensive income in respect of deferred tax is the difference between the net liability (or asset) at this beginning of the year and the net liability (or asset) at the end of the year.

✔If the item giving rise to the deferred tax is dealt with in profit or loss, the related deferred tax should also be presented in profit or loss

✔If the item giving rise to the deferred tax is dealt with in other comprehensive income, the related deferred tax should also be recorded in other comprehensive income and held with equity

在此,也就需要注意区分,deferred tax的确认需要和造成temporary difference的会计计量保持一致。

在计量deferred tax的时候:

第一步,根据accounting standard,确认相关asset (liability)在会计计量中的carrying value;

第二步,根据税务原理找到相关asset (liability)在税务中的carrying value – 通常在P2考试中,考官会直接告知在税务中的处理方法;

第三步,计量temporary difference,然后用temporary difference乘tax rate,得到在期末的deferred tax carrying value;

第四步,对比期初的deferred tax carrying value,变动部分计量进档期profit or loss or other comprehensive income(和造成temporary difference的会计计量保持一致)。

具体情况分析 Specific situation


虽然我们在税法中都不会考虑资产是否会做revaluation(价值重估),税务中认可的是资产在认购时的original cost(Or fair value),但是税法和会计中对相关资产计量的累积费用其实和是否有计量重估并无关系。

楷博老师带你直击ACCA P2高频考点2

根据IAS 16规定,企业可选择使用revaluation model来对其相关资产计量,虽然upward revaluation发生过后,相比于revaluation发生之前,企业在每一期profit or loss中计量的depreciation expense会有所增加,但是我们也在准则中规定: there is an optional treatment that the entity may transfer the excess depreciation from revaluation surplus to retained earnings each year。所以当我们这个optional treatment考虑进来,那其实企业是否做revaluation其实对整个retained earning是没有真实影响的,因此造成相关PPE在accounting base和tax base carrying value的差异,依旧属于temporary difference。我们在计量deferred tax的时候,因为本身造成temporary difference部分是因为revaluation造成,所以revaluation部分应该被报告在other comprehensive income里面,剩下部分则是由depreciation造成,所以剩下部分的deferred tax effect将被报告在profit or loss里面。

IAS 40 – investment property

在大多数国家税法中,也不认可会计中的investment property,一般都是按照普通PPE做处理的,不过例如英国税法(UK tax)中房产和土地是不会给tax depreciation的,但是资产在处置的时候,如果处置价值高于历史成本,溢价部分会被征收Changeable gain tax。而部分国家可能在税法规定中也会给房产或土地tax depreciation,但是在资产处置的时候,却是按照处置价值和tax base中carrying value difference征税,其实质影响还是只有处置所得高出历史成本部分被征税。

在会计中,虽然外面会在每期期末计量公允价值变动(IAS 40 – investment property under fair value model)并报告在档期profit or loss,但我们在看资产从买入到最后卖出,实际上累计影响到retained earning还是处置所得和历史成本差值部分。

综上可以看到,其实在会计和税务中,investment property最终的影响还是一致的,但因为会计和税法规定不一致,所以出现了temporary difference。

Share based payment

根据IFRS 2的规定,企业给员工的share option属于equity-settled share based payment,企业应当在vesting period中,随着员工的服务,每年确认薪酬相关费用。

在计量equity-settled share-based payment时:

在IFRS 2中规定:

1. 必须用的是option在grant date当天的fair value,关于option fair value本身的计算在P2当中不做要求,通常考试中会直接告诉大家,我们一般会用Black-Scholes Option Pricing Mode来计算期权价值(P4会讲到)

2. 企业必须在每一个会计期末,预估将行权的数量

3. 大多数给员工的期权,要求员工满足企业规定的服务年限过后,才可行权,此服务周期通常会超过1年,因此企业还应当考虑从授予日(grant date)到会计期末时间(公式中)和期权规定的总的服务年限(公式中)

但是在大多数国家的税法当中规定,企业只有在员工真正行权的时候才能获得相关的税务抵减(tax relief),并且给与的税务抵减等于期权在员工行权时的内在价值(the difference between the market price of the share and the exercise price of the option)

因此,我们对于employee benefit在会计中和税务中的费用递减,出现了一个temporary difference.


楷博老师带你直击ACCA P2高频考点4


An entity granted 1000 share options to its employees with condition that all these employees would remain with the entity for 3 years. Assuming the exercise price of the option and the market price of the entity’s shares are as the table shown below and all eligible employees would remain employment for the following 3 years. Assuming tax rate is 20% at the region where the entity operates, and this would keep the same for the coming 3 years.

楷博老师带你直击ACCA P2高频考点5
楷博老师带你直击ACCA P2高频考点6

楷博老师带你直击ACCA P2高频考点7

因为企业在已经根据期权在grant date当天的fair value部分计量当期员工费用,所以这部分造成的递延税影响,我们将其报告在P&L里面,剩下差异部分,我们将其报告在OCI中。

Unused tax loss

在有的时候,企业因经营不善或其他原因,可能当期利润会小于当期费用,出现亏损现象。在大部分国家或地区的税务体系中,如果企业在运营周期出现亏损,当期应税利润为0,亏损部分将向以后年度结转抵减未来的应税利润。由此,在会计和税务的计量中,又出现了一个差异。有的国家或地区税法规定tax loss只能被在接下来的规定年限中使用,超出规定年限还没有被使用的亏损会被作废,因此只能在企业预计未来期间能够产生足够的应纳税所得额利用该可抵扣亏损时,该可抵扣暂时性差异应确认相关的递延所得税资产。


🔘 Fair value adjustment

根据IFRS 3规定,企业在完成合并报表的时候,需按照公允价值将子公司的净资产合并到集团报表中,但是在税法规定中,税务只认可税减计价值(Tax written down value),所以此处又出现了temporary difference,。还有一点需要注意的是在本身子公司单独的财务报表中并未确认此deferred tax effect,在确认子公司被实现控制当天净资产公允价值的时候要将deferred tax liability考虑进去。(在考试中,只有当题目提及递延税相关问题的时候才做考虑,部分题目会直接要求忽略递延税对子公司净资产影响)。

🔘 Provision for unrealized profit

IFRS 3规定,在编制集团合并报表时,如果出现未实行利润(Unrealised profit) – 集团内部成员之间发生的交易并且其交易的商品还作为存货保留在集团内部),企业在对该存货估值的时候只能按照其初始成本计量,不能按照内部交易价格计量,只有当买方企业将该部分存货转卖给不相关联第三方的时候,利润才被真正实现。但是从税务的角度上,税务不认可集团内部成员关系,此交易一旦完成,其利润部分应该被作为应税利润。因此,在会计和税务计量上又出现了temporary difference。因为大部分情况下集团内部成员交易价格会大于这部分存货的初始购买成本,所以这个地方造成的结果是税务中认可的carrying value会大于会计中计量的carrying value,因此造成的是一个deferred tax asset。

在实务中,会计和税务中,还会存在很多的temporary difference,以上部分只是一些具有代表性,并且在大多数国家或地区出现的较为普遍的现象。

彩蛋 – June 2018 P2 考试预测

Question 1

(a) Consolidated Statement of cash flow

🔹Group issues – acquisition / disposal

🔹IAS 16,36 & IFRS 5 – PPE acquisition, depreciation, disposal, revaluation, impairment and held for sale

🔹 IAS 19 – employee benefits

🔹IFRS 32 – financial assets (Equity instrument – distinguish treatment in individual account and consolidation

(b) IAS 7 – Cash equivalent

(c) Accounting and ethical issues on classification of cash flows

Question 2 & 3

🔹 IFRS 13 – Fair value measurement

🔹 IAS 12 – Deferred tax (specific issues: Share based payment; unused tax loss)

🔹 IFRS 15 – Revenue recognition

🔹 IFRS 5 – Held for sale (recognition and measurement)

🔹 IAS 37 – Provision (recognition)

🔹 IAS 38 – Intangible asset (recognition; specific issue – R&D)

🔹 IFRS 9 – Financial instrument (distinguish liability and equity)

Question 4

????? (I do not know) – probably something about framework


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发布时间: 2018.05.17

文章作者: 楷博财经-Oscar



The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants


